Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

amazing trip

when I was in senior high school, I went to my grandma's house in Tegal. I drove my car alone because my parents went to the other city for worked. I started from my house at 8 am. Before I went to my grandma's house, I prayed to God. I felt worried with my trip, because I drove alone and with felt angry with my parents. I think that my parents didn't love me. I have not driving license yet because I'm 16 years old 4 years ago. firstly, I felt comfort with the trip. But in Ajibarang, the way was crowded. so, I always step the pedals. Suddenly, I saw a motorcycle fast. I knew that the motorcycle would crushed my car. So, I stopped my car for a moment and I ready to crushed by motorcycle. and "brakkkkk" the sounds of motorcycle crushed my bumper. My chest hit the steering wheel because I was not wearing a seat belt and the crash was so strong. I shock when my chest hit the steering wheel. People who saw my accident became picked me to hospital. they didn't care about the motorcycle's victim, but they care with me because I'm a girl. I got luck, because the police didn't came. in hospital, I became examined intensively. I didn't knew where is my victim. But people said he would gave me money for the car damage. I became knew his address and he bought my car to garage. I didn't gave him money, because it's his fault. Finally, my parents knew I got crushed, and they angry with me.

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